Adult Bible Fellowship
Sundays 9:15-10:15am

Connect to Calvary
The Connect to Calvary class is taught by Pastor Mike and is a great way to find out more about Calvary. Whether you are a potential member or just curious to know more about our church, we would love to see you there.

Women Walking Wisely
This class is taught by Sarah Zihlman and is for single proffesional women who want to grow in wisdom with regards to different aspects of life.

10 Lies About God (and how you may already be deceived)
Gym/Fellowship Hall
This class is taught by Pastor Van and is a great way to understand common beliefs about God that are not biblical.

Doctrinal Topics
Family Resource Center
This class taught by Gordon Katsion will go through a variety of doctrinal topics from God's Word.

Finding God's Path Through Your Trials
Sherry VanHooser is teaching a class for women about how to deal with trials from a biblical point of view.