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Covid-19: CBC Update 11/11/20

We are in another phase of having to make hard decisions. We would not have wished this but God, in His wisdom, has brought this to us. 


Covid Precautions: (modified) Plan D

What this means: Sunday Morning Worship Services Only + masks for 2 weeks.

  • We will return to only Worship Services for two weeks and not conduct ABF, Sunday School, Wednesday PM classes or other events (no Harvest Dinner)

  • We will not have nursery or children's church during the worship services.

  • Masks will be required during the worship services (except person singing/speaking at the pulpit); no Choir (or choir practice) for two weeks

  • Combined Wednesday PM Prayer Meeting via Zoom: shorter lesson (from Brandon Howard) and prayer time together

Why: Public Health Emergency + Governor's Restrictions

  • We are facing what is described to us by our local Covid health care response expert, Brandon Howard, as a public health emergency: widespread Covid transmission, local hospital beds at max capacity, statewide hospital staffing shortages

  • The Governor's new restrictions, while not directly applying to us, are healthy, helpful, and unobtrusive ways that we can help to reduce a wide spread of Covid that could overwhelm our health system

  • Before we began Fall Ministries again, we anticipated higher case counts and additional statewide restrictions, and planned for this phase. This is Plan D, with the addition of masks being required

We will keep paying attention to this situation, new restrictions or statements from our authorities, and make a decision on Covid Precaution Plans again on November 24th.


I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations. Psalms 89:1

“and we commit ourselves to sing of the steadfast love of the Lord FOREVER, even in…especially in the valley!” Pastor Matt, 10/28


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