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Covid-19: CBC Update 5/22/20

In this update:

  • Sunday's Service Online

  • Coming Back From Covid

Sunday's Service Online

With the Memorial Day weekend upon us, Pastor Scott will challenge us not to forget our heritage in Christ.

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7 

Coming Back From Covid: 

Those at home... First of all, for those of you who won't be able to come back right away, we will miss having you here. We know that it may be hard for you to stay home while others are excited to be able to gather again. We will still be offering a live stream of our worship services, but we understand that isn't a full replacement.  We do hope that as the conditions improve over coming weeks, that you will be able to consider joining us again soon. If you haven't yet, make sure to keep up on the details about coming back (below) that may help you in your decisions about when and how to come back.

Those attending... We are excited to be coming back!

As we do, we want to balance the precautions we are taking (see below) with the fact that we are gathering together and the reasons why we gather. We are the body of Christ! We are different, diverse, but we are unified in Christ. So, the first Sunday back we will commemorate our unity in the sharing of Communion. And we gather not just to have a shared worship experience, but to be a part of one another's lives. So, we hope that gathering will also reestablish and continue to feed the relationships we have outside of the building and Sunday Morning Worship Services.  With that in mind, we encourage you to keep thinking about those who might be unable to come back to church right away. Many of you have continued or stepped up your calls, cards, etc. to one another in the past 2 months, and who stay home may still be hurting for fellowship. Precautions:

  • Coming Back From Covid Guide

  • Pastor's Roundtables (What will be different, How should you prepare, and What are the precautions we are taking?)

  • Masks available If you want to wear a mask at church but haven't been able to get your hands on one yet, we do have some available, generously made by some of our members.

  • BYOS We have been able to acquire a decent amount of hand sanitizer, but you may want to bring some of your own to help us not go through our supply too quickly and to be able to control the sanitation of your own sanitizer!


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