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Quarantine Free Resource Top Pick: Dwell App

One of the resources that might be most helpful to you in quarantine is to listen to God's Word.

The Dwell app, which I (Pastor Kyle) have been using for several months, has given free access to churches for 60 days.

It might not sound as cool as it is– an app of God's Word being read aloud. But I have found it cool and, more than that very helpful, very rich, very versatile. You can listen to any book of the Bible, any chapter. You can listen through reading plans, or playlists of different themes of Scripture.

If you want to delight in God's Word, if His thoughts are precious to you, and you want to try an app that will feed you, click below:

You will set up an account online (no cost, no CC entry). And then you will be prompted to download the app.


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